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Main Screen Tool Bar

Deep-Sky Planner has a configurable tool bar on the main screen to help you reach program functions more quickly. The buttons that appear on the tool bar can be changed, moved and their appearance can be changed. All of these changes are made through the Tool Bar Manager which is accessible by right-clicking on the tool bar and selecting Edit, or by visiting Options | Tool Bar Manager on the main menu.

If you want to change the default tool bar settings, open the Tool Bar Manager as shown below.

Tool Bar Manager

The buttons that are shown on your tool bar are in the Active Buttons list. In addition to selecting a button and clicking the appropriate function (Add or Delete), you can add buttons by dragging and dropping buttons from Available Buttons to Active Buttons.

You can change the order of buttons on the tool bar by dragging and dropping buttons in the Active list.

You can also change the size of buttons on the tool bar (which also controls whether their function description is displayed). Large buttons include an icon and a description; small buttons include only an icon. Either size provides fly-over hints when your cursor hovers over a tool bar button.

large tool buttons

small tool buttons