Using Deep-Sky Planner 7 with TheSkyX
This article describes some early anomalies with TheSkyX.
- TheSkyX Professional Edition for Windows is required for the Show Chart interoperation feature to work in Deep-Sky Planner 7. At the time of this writing (Spring 2016), TheSkyX Serious Astronomer Edition for Windows does not contain the interface software that Deep-Sky Planner 7 needs for the Show Chart feature.
- Very early releases of TheSkyX Pro had a problem that affected the Show Chart feature in Deep-Sky Planner. Make sure that you have TheSkyX Pro version 10.1.6 build 3794 or later and Deep-Sky Planner 7.
- You must run TheSkyX Pro at least once for Deep-Sky Planner to find the interface that it requires. If you try to use Show Chart in Deep-Sky Planner 7 and receive an error message 'TheSkyXAdaptor not found', try running TheSkyX once and try Show Chart again. If the error persists, run TheSkyX and Deep-Sky Planner 7 as Administrator.
- If you have problems sending Show Chart commands to TheSkyX from Deep-Sky Planner on Windows 10, the problem is in the Windows Update released on 3 January 2018 by Microsoft. This patch (KB4056892) interferes with the COM interface supplied by TheSkyX and used by Deep-Sky Planner.
Microsoft is working to fix the problem in another Windows Update. You can read about the problem at