Deep-Sky Planner 5
Product Support
Deep-Sky Planner 5 is no longer under active development. It has been superceded by Deep-Sky Planner 6. Support is available for Deep-Sky Planner 5 through a variety of resources.
- Documentation - Deep-Sky Planner has a thorough user's manual. It is available as context sensitive, online help, and as an Acrobat Reader file that you can read or print. The online help file is available from Deep-Sky Planner under the Help menu. Both are available from the Windows Start Menu under Deep-Sky Planner 5, and in the root folder of the product CD. You can perform full-text search on either format.
- Community - is where you can download observing plans, equipment lists, software updates and new tools. For licensed users only.
- Knowledgebase - is where you can look up articles that answer some of the most frequently asked questions.
- Video Library - is where video tutorials are available for you to view.
- YouTube Channel - more video tutorials are available through YouTube for your convenience.
- Facebook - is where product announcements are made, including the availability of new plan files and new tools.