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Wireless PushTo

Going wireless with an observing setup is the goal of many observers. Doing so presently with Android and Argo Navis or Sky Commander digital setting circles (DSC) presents some problems.

These problems boil down to a single issue: Google has made connecting an Android device to an ad hoc network impossible for security reasons. Apple has not restricted iPhones and iPads in this way; they can connect to an ad hoc or an access point network connections.

The table below summarizes the combination of equipment that you use for connecting DSPME wirelessly to your DSC.

Mobile OS WiFi needed DSC Notes
Android access point only

Argo Navis

SkyFi III or other Wi-Fi device that present an access point network connection
    Nexus DSC Optional Nexus DSC Wi-Fi card, SkyFi III or any Wi-Fi device that presents an access point network connection
    Sky Commander SkyFi III or other Wi-Fi devices that present an access point network connection
iOS access point or ad hoc Argo Navis SkyFi II, SkyFi III or other Wi-Fi device that presents an access point network connection or an ad hoc network connection
    Nexus DSC Optional Nexus DSC Wi-Fi card, SkyFi II, SkyFi III or any Wi-Fi device that presents an access point network connection or an ad hoc network connection
    Sky Commander SkyFi II, SkyFi III or other Wi-Fi device that presents an access point network connection or an ad hoc network connection

The overview of the situation is this:

  1. Deep-Sky Planner Mobile Edition running on Android can connect to SkyFi III or other access point connections. When using an access point connection, you can use the PushTo feature with Argo Navis, Nexus DSC or Sky Commander.

  2. Deep-Sky Planner Mobile Edition running on iPhone or iPad can connect to access point connections or ad hoc connections. This includes SkyFi II, SkyFi III and the internal Wi-Fi option on Nexus DSC. When using an access point or ad hoc connection, you can use the PushTo feature with Argo Navis, Nexus DSC or Sky Commander.