Settings allows you to set various options for Deep-Sky Planner Mobile Edition (DSPME). Settings are saved when they are changed so be careful!
Settings are presented in collapsible panels for each group of related settings. Tap the down arrow at the right of the panel to expand its contents or the up arrow to collapse its contents.
Stored DSS Images shows the number of images stored on the device and the amount of storage used by the images.
Delete DSS Images allows you to delete all images from the device. You must confirm that you want to delete images before they are actually deleted. If you want to delete individual images, see the Delete button on the Objects tab of the Plans screen.
DSS Images may be shown with the detailed object information in a Plan. These images must be downloaded from a server and stored on your device so that they can be shown with object information. An all black image indicates that no image is available for the object - the area of the sky is not included in the survey. Observing Plans contain a default setting for each object's DSS image. These are set when the Observing Plan is created. You can override these settings using the Override Plan option.
Override Plan allows the user to choose DSS Image settings specified either in the Observing Plan (OFF) or calculated by the app using the options specified below (ON). The default value is ON. Setting Override Plan to ON enables the following settings.
Use SkyView Server instructs DSPME to access the DSS server at NASA SkyView. SkyView has been developed with generous support from the NASA AISR and ADP programs (P.I. Thomas A. McGlynn) under the auspices of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) at the NASA/ GSFC Astrophysics Science Division.
Use STScI Server instructs DSPME to access the DSS image server at the Space Telescope Science Institute. STScI is operated by the Association of Universities for research in Astronomy, Inc., under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
[iOS users: there is a known intermittent issue with downloading images from STScI. If you encounter problems with the STScI server, please try the SkyView server.]Survey Plates instructs DSPME to access the series of photographic plates that compose a survey of the sky. The choices are:
- DSS-2 Best: POSS-2 red or blue plates automatically selected by object type.
- DSS-2 Red: POSS2/UKSTU Red = POSS-II F (North), AAO-SES/SERC-ER (South), AAO-SR (Selected crowded southern galactic plane). This is the most complete survey (~98% sky coverage).
- DSS-2 Blue: POSS2/UKSTU Blue = POSS-II J (North), SERC-J/SERC-EJ (South). This survey covers ~ 45% of the sky.
Default Size (arcmin) Normally object size is used when determining the default image size. When an object has no size information (like a star), or has a small size, the default image size is used when requesting a DSS image. The Default Size option allows you to set an image size for these objects. Objects that have a larger size than the default are sized to accommodate the object. You should consider that larger default sizes result is longer downloads and more storage requirements. The default value is 5 arcminutes.
Invert Colors allows you to view DSS images in normal or inverted colors. Select No to show white on black sky; select Yes to show black on white sky. Changing this option affects the display of image files, not the files themselves. If the current style setting is the BlackRed nightvision mode, Invert Colors has no effect; the DSS image is shown in red on black only.
Tap a style to select it. It takes several seconds for the new style selection to take effect.
[Android users: There is a known issue with changing the app style and then viewing Help. The Help screen does not display help pages correctly after you change the app style. You must restart the app to make the new style take effect.]
Help file version 1.0.120 ▪ Copyright © 2023 Knightware, LLC