Cloud Import

Cloud Import allows you to access a cloud storage service, and download files from it to your device. Once the file is downloaded it is imported into Deep-Sky Planner Mobile Edition (DSPME) so that it can be used elsewhere in the app.

The Cloud Services panel contains the list of services and the controls used to access them.

*Google has changed authentication for apps that access Google Drive. At the time of this writing (January 2021), a user is warned that "Google hasn't verified this app". To proceed past this warning and access your files on Google Drive:

  1. Tap the Advanced link on the verification warning screen
  2. Tap "Go to Deep-Sky Planner/ME (unsafe)"
  3. Tap Allow to confirm your consent choices
  4. Close the web browser page and proceed with DspME.

Choose a File

Once you have successfully signed into your cloud service account and authorized DSPME to access it, the files and folders on the cloud storage are displayed in the Files window. Tap a folder to expand or collapse display of its contents. Tap a file to select it for download and import. Information about the selected file is displayed at the bottom of the Files window.

Tap the Download button to begin download of the selected file. Note that the Download button is not enabled until a file is selected. The download process verifies that the type of file selected is supported. If the selected file is not a supported type, you will see an error message indicating the the file type is not supported. Otherwise, the status of the download is shown beside the Download button - either Success or Failed. DSPME supports download and import of:

Extension Type How to Use
*.dsplan Observing Plan documents Tap Home,
*.equip Equipment lists exported from Deep-Sky Planner Desktop Edition version 8 or earlier Tap Home, Equipment
*.location Location lists exported from Deep-Sky Planner Desktop Edition version 8 or earlier Tap Home, Locations


If you import a file and receive the error message "Document content error: the document found contains incompatible content" then you have attempted to import a file created by an incompatible version of Deep-Sky Planner. Currently, DSPME imports files created by Deep-Sky Planner Desktop Edition version 8 or earlier.

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