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Deep-Sky Planner

Webinars & the Video Library

Join us for free webinars describing how to use Deep-Sky Planner. Webinars are available in the Video Library (below) and on the deepskyplanner YouTube channel.

Video hosted on on (

Older media hosted on are available at higher resolutions than their counterparts on YouTube. To watch these, click a link in the Hosted on on column. There is a brief delay while the video player begins to load the video, then you can start the video at your convenience. The video player can be resized to suit your monitor or mobile device.

Video hosted on on youtube (YouTube channel)

Older media hosted on YouTube are available at lower resolutions. To watch these, click a link in the Hosted on on youtube column. Note that more recent media are available at the same (720p) resolution on each hosted site.

Video Library

Please check back as more videos are added to the library.



Hosted on on

Hosted on on youtube

Deep-Sky Planner 9 Highlights
(3 min)
Learn about some of the newest features in Deep-Sky Planner 9 Video hosted on on
Video hosted on on youtube
Creating an observing plan
(8 min)
Learn the different methods of creating an observing plan: from downloading a pre-built plan to copying and pasting objects from a Deep-Sky Planner report to importing data from a CSV file. Video hosted on on
Video hosted on on youtube

The following videos demonstrate features in previous versions of Deep-Sky Planner

Deep-Sky Planner 8 Highlights
(2 min)
Learn about some of the newest features in Deep-Sky Planner 8 Video hosted on on
Video hosted on on youtube
Creating an observing plan
(8 min)
Learn the different methods of creating an observing plan: from downloading a pre-built plan to copying and pasting objects from a Deep-Sky Planner report to importing data from a CSV file. Video hosted on on
Video hosted on on youtube

Deep-Sky Planner 7 Highlights
(6 min)

Learn about some of the latest features in Deep-Sky Planner 7:

  • Slew to an object in an observing plan
  • Enter manually or read automatically the sky conditions
  • Filter an observing plan by object altitude in real-time
  • Show object details: DSS image, daily & yearly altitude graphs
  • New report data: brightest emission line (nebulae), Interstellarum Deep Sky Atlas page number, visibility modeling result
  • Export observing plan to Sequence Generator Pro and ACP Observatory Control software.
Video hosted on on
Lower resolution video (360p) hosted on on youtube

Logging and Reporting Observations

Learn about logging, importing, exporting and reporting your observations.

  • Setup your equipment and location
  • Add observations from the Plan report
  • Add observations from the Observation Browser
  • Add Observations from the Project Manager
  • Import observations - OpenAstronomyLog
  • Import observations from other software
  • Search the log and create reports

Video hosted on on

Lower resolution video (480p) hosted on YouTube on youtube

Webinar: Observing Projects
(12 min)

Learn how to use sessions, observations and observing projects in Deep-Sky Planner 7. Video hosted on on


Lower resolution video (360p) hosted on on youtube

Webinar: Backup and Restore
(12 min)

Learn how to use backup and restore features in Deep-Sky Planner 7. Learn how to protect your user data and synchronize it on multiple computers. Also learn how easy and convenient it is to use cloud storage for backup and restore. Video hosted on on


Lower resolution video (360p) hosted on on youtube

Webinar: Using Deep-Sky Planner Observing Plans with SkySafari on Android
(10 min)

Learn how to download an observing plan from the Deep-Sky Planner Plan Library and export it to SkySafari for Android. This video shows Deep-Sky Planner 7 on Windows 10, SkySafari 4 Plus on an Android 6.0 phone. Transfer is done via the phone's USB charge cable. Video hosted on on


Lower resolution video (360p) hosted on on youtube

Webinar: Using Deep-Sky Planner Observing Plans with SkySafari on iOS
(10 min)

Learn how to download an observing plan from the Deep-Sky Planner Plan Library and export it to SkySafari for iOS. This video shows Deep-Sky Planner 7 on Windows 10, SkySafari 5 Plus on iPad using iOS 10. Transfer is done using email to the iPad. Video hosted on on


Lower resolution video (360p) hosted on on youtube

Webinar: Exporting Observing Plans from Deep-Sky Planner to
ACP Observatory Control (ACP)
(10 min)

Learn how to use a plan created by Deep-Sky Planner with ACP. Video hosted on on
Lower resolution video (360p) hosted on on youtube

Webinar: Exporting Observing Plans from Deep-Sky Planner to
Astro Photography Tool (APT)
(8 min)

Learn how to use a plan created by Deep-Sky Planner with APT. Video hosted on on
Lower resolution video (360p) hosted on on youtube

Webinar: Exporting Opserving Plans from Deep-Sky Planner to
Sequence Generator Pro (SGP)
(5 min)

Learn how to use a plan created by Deep-Sky Planner with SGP. Video hosted on on
Lower resolution video (360p) hosted on on youtube

Webinar: Creating Observing Log Reports
(19 min)

Learn how to create general use or highly customized reports of your observing log. Also learn about importing observations from other software. Video hosted on on
Lower resolution video (360p) hosted on on youtube
Live Q&A Webinar: Using Deep-Sky Planner with Nexus DSC
(21 min)
Learn how to export observing plans to Nexus DSC and use WiFi for the Push-to feature with Nexus DSC, Argo Navis and Sky Commander. Video hosted on on
Video (720p) hosted on on youtube
Webinar: Importing Plans into Deep-Sky Planner
(16 min)
Learn how to import a list of objects into Deep-Sky Planner. Also learn about a special in-house tool that can import data from delimited text files like those produced by spreadsheets and other planning software.

Video hosted on on

Video (720p) hosted on on youtube

Version 6 Preview

Watch a preview of some of the latest features in Deep-Sky Planner 6:

  • planning to observe the Caldwell objects, and logging an observation of C 2
  • automated download of DSS images
  • telescope control via ASCOM 6 SP1
  • show a chart centered on C 2 (NGC 40) using Smart Chart Interoperation™ with Starry Night
  • planning high precision double star observing (Sigma Orionis)
  • using a variable star light predicition to observe an eclipsing variable over its light cycle (MU Cephei)

Video (5 min) hosted on on

Lower resolution video (640x360 pixels) hosted on on youtube

Creating a Local Horizon Model for Deep-Sky Planner

Learn how to create a local horizon model in Deep-Sky Planner for your observing location, either manually or with a telescope. Video (8.5 min) hosted on on Lower resolution video
(640x360 pixels) hosted on
on youtube

Importing and Exporting Local Horizon Models with Deep-Sky Planner

Learn how to import and export a local horizon model for your observing location using Deep-Sky Planner. Several formats may be imported.

Video (7.5 min) hosted on on

Lower resolution video
(640x360 pixels) hosted on
on youtube

Using Local Horizon Models in Deep-Sky Planner

Learn how to use a local horizon model in Deep-Sky Planner reports. This includes filtering and computation of object rise & set times.

Video (7 min) hosted on on

Lower resolution video
(640x360 pixels) hosted on
on youtube
Q&A Webinars      


March 2014 Webinar covers searching for variable stars and double stars, searching for bright deep-sky objects for a public star party at a given date, time and location. Video (720p and lower) hosted on on youtube  
  July 2014 Webinar explores the problem of double star system designations. A system like the Double Double goes by many names. Learn how to use Deep-Sky Planner to search for double stars effectively. Video (720p and lower) hosted on on youtube  

The following videos demonstrate various features using Deep-Sky Planner 5.
These features are still available in version 7.

Overview of Deep-Sky Observing with
Deep-Sky Planner 5

A complete planning and logging demonstration featuring telescope control, the Equipment Bar and Smart Chart Interoperation™ with TheSkyX.

Video (12 min) hosted on on

Lower resolution video (640x360 pixels) in 2 parts, hosted on on youtube
Part 1 (6 min)
Part 2 (6 min)

Observing Plans: Opening, Saving, Printing and Exporting

This video demonstrates how to work with observing plan files in Deep-Sky Planner 5.1:

  • opening plan files from within DSP 5.1
  • opening plan files outside DSP 5.1 - from the desktop or Windows Explorer
  • printing plans and print preview
  • exporting plans to HTML format
  • contributing plans for other users to download

Video (5 min) hosted on on

Lower resolution video (640x360 pixels) hosted on on youtube

Building an Observing Plan in Deep-Sky Planner 5.1

Learn how to use Deep-Sky Planner reports to find objects and place them in a plan document. Also learn how to assign DSS image information automatically and manually to objects in a plan.

Video (8 min) hosted on on

Lower resolution video
(640x360 pixels) hosted on on youtube
Using an Observing Plan in Real-Time at the Telescope

A 3 part tutorial demonstrates how to use an observing plan at the telescope.

Part 1 covers report layout, the hotzone button and styles.

Part 2 covers data filters, sorting, and the best time and order to view objects in a plan.

Part 3 covers the various other tools used with an observing plan, like Show Chart, Slew Telescope, Printing, and viewing the Plan Library with a browser on any device, from your smartphone to a desktop computer.

Part 1 (9 min) hosted on on

Part 2 (6 min) hosted on on

Part 3 (9 min) hosted on on

Lower resolution videos
(640x360 pixels)

Part 1 (9 min) hosted on on youtube

Part 2 (6 min) hosted on on youtube

Part 3 (9 min) hosted on on youtube

Logging with Deep-Sky Planner

A 3-part tutorial describing the logging system. Videos are full resolution (960x728 pixels) and should be watched in order.

Part 1 covers adding and showing logged observations directly from a deep-sky report; using an equipment browser to enter equipment information manually or by importing a file downloaded from the Deep-Sky Planner Community.

Part 2 covers editing, viewing, importing & exporting observations using the Observation Browser; browsing resources online or locally with the mini-browsers; optional and required data fields in an observation; stylesheet capability for customizing observation viewing and printing; exporting to various file formats, inclusing OpenAstronomyLog.

Part 3 covers the Observing Project Manager; synchronizing logs using selective backup and restore functions; searching the log and creating reports; report print preview.

Part 1 (9 min) hosted on on

Part 2 (9 min) hosted on on

Part 3 (8 min) hosted on on